Monday, 26 August 2019

Can You Recycle Your Mattress in Toronto – Here’s How it Works

Recycling is a great way to reduce the inflow of waste to landfills. There are countless different items and materials that can be recycled, some of them obvious like cardboard and plastic, some of them not so obvious. One such obscure recyclable item is the common mattress. Mattresses end up in landfills more often than not, and they take up a lot of space. It’s believed that over 100,000 mattresses end up heading to landfills from the Greater Toronto Area every single year.

Can You Recycle Your Mattress in Toronto – Here’s How it Works

These bulky items pile up quickly and take up enormous amounts of space when sent to landfills.
Fortunately, modern recycling techniques allow for an almost complete recycling of all the different materials that make up a mattress. While mattress recycling in Toronto is technically viable and well established in some areas, many people still consider mattresses common garbage and would never consider looking into mattress recycling. There are many activists out there pushing to make mattress recycling better known to the general public, and to increase access to that service.
Their efforts have made leaps and bounds towards keeping mattresses out of landfills entirely.
Mattress recycling facilities are typically quite large, with both mattresses and box springs stacked on high. The relatively standardized size and shape of mattresses makes managing inventory much simpler than many other recycling operations. Neat stacks are the most efficient way to store mattresses before handling, so neat stacks are what one finds when visiting a facility. They can make quick work of the mattresses, but the sheer volume received each day makes some storage necessary. Some facilities can process 5,000 mattresses monthly and sometimes even more.
There are many different materials that make up a standard mattress. Each mattress contains a variety of components and the different mattress types have their own unique materials. Metal, from the springs, is a major material for recycling. A large facility can pull over a tonne of metal from their mattresses each day. Polyurethane foam is another major component that can be retrieved from the mattresses. Some of the more minor components include wood, cardboard, plastics, and cotton. The materials retrieved are of high quality, so they can sell at a premium rate.
The actual process of mattress recycling is rather labour intensive when compared to other recycling operations. Mattresses and box springs are built to be sturdy and to last. This is great for sleeping on but makes them difficult to separate into the base materials. The disassembly is done by hand, requiring labourers to do so. Once apart, the materials are separated and sorted. They are then sent on to other recycling facilities that specialize in those materials. This labour is expensive, but the high quality and quantity of materials retrieved make recycling well worth it.
The development of more and more methods of recycling is a critical part of how Toronto and other modern cities are fulfilling their duties of responsible waste disposal and environmental stewardship. With the basic and obvious forms of recycling, such as household cardboard and plastics, becoming well established parts of everyday life it is necessary to pursue more involved recycling practices. Opportunities for recycling are sure to pop up in unexpected places, mattress recycling is one of the trailblazers of this new approach.
Do you need assistance in disposing of mattresses, appliances, couches, furniture, and other household items? Do you require junk removal services or a dumpster rental in the GTA? Regardless of how you want to get rid of your waste, call Core Mini Bins today and we can lay down some affordable options.

Saturday, 24 August 2019

Why Does Canada’s Waste End up in Countries like the Philippines, China, and Elsewhere – read here!

You wouldn’t think that Canada’s waste would end up in places like China, Malaysia, and the Philippines yet it does. Within the past year, China, the Philippines, and Malaysia have finally said no to our waste and have told us to stop sending our garbage to these countries. Why does Canada send its waste overseas? Are we polluting these developing countries with waste we refuse to take responsibility for? How is the plastic, glass, and paper we put into our recycling ending up in non-Canadian facilities? These are all questions worth getting an answer to.

Why Does Canada’s Waste End up in Countries like the Philippines, China, and Elsewhere – read here!

The sad truth about waste and recycling in Toronto is that what you put into your recycling bin isn’t necessarily going to end up recycled. It very well could be recycled but depending the market, it may be tossed away with waste.
A lot of the time what happens is that our recycling is sold post-collection from the municipality towards a recycling company. In large part, our waste and recycling is not actually handled by public services but is handled by private industry. After waste or recycling is purchased, it’s then sorted, cleaned, and compressed into small cubes. These cubes are then put up for auction.
From there, another company will purchase these processed cubes of recycling material. They may choose to purchase some cubes and process it into pellets which can then be sold to an industry like plastics where it can then be reused in new product. Alternatively, after buying a cube, a company could sell it again to a company overseas seeking to make a profit from our recycling. What this highlights is that our waste management products and recycling are changing hands multiple times. Complicating things, last year, China said it was no longer accepting plastics waste and as a country, Canada had to find new markets to sell our recycling to.
Now as to how Canada’s waste ends up in Asia, it’s because companies in these countries are buying it. Unfortunately, as the market sometimes changes, the recycling which doesn’t have much market value is sent to the landfill. Furthermore, what is purchased overseas isn’t always recycled and is sometimes simply tossed away or even burned.
Does Canada recycle any of its waste? Surprisingly, only about 9 percent of our plastics waste gets recycled here in Canada. The costs of recycling in Canada are high as it requires a lot of transportation and doesn’t always have a definitive purpose to get the recycled product to.
What countries like the Philippines and Malaysia have highlighted is that recycling isn’t really working in Canada. Cities like Toronto aren’t doing a good enough job at reducing plastics or processing the plastics we have. There are some positives, such as BC’s government instituting ‘extender producer responsibility’ which puts the responsibility of recycling on the producer and which has resulted in all plastic collected in BC remaining in the province. Also, Canada’s has agreed on a ban to single-use plastics by 2021. Is this enough though? Absolutely not.
As a country, we need to be responsible for the waste and recycling we produce. There’s a lot more we could be doing, in addition to the systems we have in place requiring a thorough examination. To put it succinctly, there’s no reason Toronto, the province of Ontario, or Canada should be selling any of its waste or recycling to another nation.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

What are Best Practices for Managing Waste at Summer Festivals and Community Events – read here!

Every summer, Toronto’s filled with all sorts of festivals and fun community events. There are food events, film festivals, park concerts, parades, cultural celebrations, and so much more. When organizers don’t approach these occasions with a waste management plan, they can produce a disappointing amount of waste.
Thankfully, there are ways to bring a community event or summer festival closer to being green and clean. Focusing on material reduction and waste diversion, alongside connecting with a recycling service in Toronto, some events can even achieve zero waste. Organizers and attendees have a role to play to make it happen though.

What are Best Practices for Managing Waste at Summer Festivals and Community Events – read here!

Make a plan.
The best thing any community event organizer can do pertaining to waste management is plan ahead. To avoid producing and dumping any more non-recyclable waste than you need to, allow yourself the time to figure it out. Explore the costs, services, and creative ideas which may assist you. Believe us when we say trying to come up with a last-minute solution is not the way to go about figuring out your waste disposal plan.
Find a service provider.
Assisting with the waste disposal, an event will likely need to partner with a Toronto waste management service to make it happen. Secure a partnership with one that aligns with your values. You want to ensure your recyclables can in fact be recycled. An experienced service provider can also provide advice and guidance on possible ways to limit your waste. There is unavoidable waste creation associated with an event but there may be opportunities to reuse, recycle, or reduce.
Less waste in is less waste out.
Look at the waste you will create. Are there alternative products you can use to replace this waste – if so, consider making the switch. If you need something to store or carry food, there may be recyclables you can buy in its place. Something as simple as choosing paper or compostable containers over Styrofoam can make a huge difference in your waste output.
Increase recyclables.
Increase the number of recyclables and ensure appropriate waste bins are set up to procure all types of waste. Paper and containers, mixed containers, and any food compostables require a place to put them. Set up recycling bins beside any trash cans and ensure they are clearly marked. If you think it appropriate, consider making the signs bilingual.
Vendor contractors.
Organizing an event, you may have certain sponsors or vendors coming to set up a display. Contact them to ensure they are aware of your recycling policy. You don’t want to go through all this hard work only to find that a vendor is polluting the place with non-recyclables. Require any vendors or suppliers to commit to the same recycling goals you have. Consider adding a disposal fee or tax if a vendor is producing a large amount of waste, although this may be not preferable for some.
Any event can have waste or recycling problems. If you don’t know how to resolve a waste management issue or you don’t know where to start in planning a more eco-friendly, recycling-driven policy, contact Core Mini Bins. We can help in identifying opportunities to minimize waste, arrange for waste disposal, and set up means of recycling. For summer festivals, community events, and everything Toronto has to offer this summer, let’s make it both fun and recycling-friendly!

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

How We Handle Asbestos Abatement in Demolition and Excavation

Asbestos refers to a group of naturally-occurring fibrous materials which are known to be strong and resistant to heat, electricity, and chemicals. In construction, asbestos is typically found in many types of homes and buildings. Asbestos can exist in pipe insulation, roofing felts, some drywall joint compounds, and fireproofing. Although asbestos isn’t really used today very much, it’s been used frequently in the past which makes it very common in older buildings. Thereby, asbestos abatement is a necessary step in any sort of Toronto demolition service.

How We Handle Asbestos Abatement in Demolition and Excavation

Why so much care is taken with asbestos is because of how dangerous it is. As asbestos goes airborne, a person can inhale the particles. They then settle into the respiratory or digestive systems. Asbestos exposure like this has been associated with diseases and disorders including mesothelioma, lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, and others. Sadly, symptoms may only become apparent decades after one was first exposed to asbestos. For this reason, any contractors or employees are not allowed to be exposed to airborne concentrations of asbestos greater than .01 f/cc as an 8-hour time weighted average (TAW).
There are a number of regulations in Ontario on asbestos abatement in demolition and construction. Any time asbestos is found in a demolished structure, it must be removed and encapsulated. There are strict rules on constructing, altering, repairing, or renovating a structure with asbestos. There’s also strict regulation on transporting, disposing, and storing asbestos or asbestos-containing products on the construction site. Building owners ideally are aware of the presence of asbestos or the possibility of it. Prior to any work beginning, troweled-on surfacing materials, sprayed on surface materials, and/or any thermal system insulation must be analyzed.
From the perspective of a demolition company, we are required to notify the building owner as well as any employees working on-site within 24 hours. The location, presence, and quantity of asbestos must be identified. Any information relating to the determination of materials on-site being or not being asbestos must be retained by the employer. Evidently, when we go into any environment, we always serve to uphold the highest standards of safety for employees and anyone on-site. All laws and regulations surrounding asbestos abatement are closely followed.
There are some companies who will knowingly ignore or who are naïve to what’s supposed to happen with asbestos. That’s not us. The rules are there to be followed. We’re not looking to get the job done fast, cutting corners and doing whatever we need to do to get it done. We’re a guaranteed top Toronto demolition contractor and we’ve maintained our high standards of operation for investing in safety, efficiency, and doing things right.
Asbestos exposure can be deadly. There’s a lot of procedures involved with asbestos removal. While other companies may cheat, we don’t. Any house or structure built before the late 1980s probably has some asbestos in it. Every year, there are thousands of structures in Ontario demolished with asbestos in them. It’s an unavoidable major health hazard which can’t be avoided. When we find asbestos, we notify the relevant stakeholders and adhere to the regulations.
Are you looking for a demolition company in Toronto? Be it knocking down an older building or renovating, if a demolition is needed, you have to have someone there you can trust. Hire Core Mini Bins today. For demolition and excavation both, we can help.

Saturday, 17 August 2019

See the Truth behind Plastics Waste Management and Recycling in Canada

Plastic recycling is on the simplest forms of recycling for the typical Canadian to take part in. It is very imposing or time-consuming for a person to throw an obviously plastic piece of refuse into a designated plastic bin instead of the general garbage can. This is the part that concerns the consumer but there is much more to plastic recycling than that. The plastic isn’t simply transformed into new plastic item. There is a complex and many-stepped process that plastic undergoes in order to be recycled. Most don’t really understand the process and would be surprised by it.

See the Truth behind Plastics Waste Management and Recycling in Canada

Recycling is often thought of as a wholly positive process. This isn’t always the case. There are many aspects of recycling that don’t live up to the idealized version that many have in their heads. Worldwide, only 10 percent of plastic ends up being recycled. Those that think recycling validates the excessive plastic use of today likely weren’t aware of that fact. The remainder ends up either in a landfill, the best-case scenario, or strewn about the outdoors, the worst case. Up to 30 percent of the plastic that gets out of the disposal system isn’t accounted for, nobody knows where it is.
The plastic water bottle is one of the most widely used plastic products. One might imagine that the plastic is simply melted and reused as a raw material for new plastic products. This simply isn’t the case. The plastic that water bottles are made from is one of the rare types of plastic that are suitable for recycling. However, this type of plastic loses much of its quality after the first use. The plastic can’t be used in the same or similar application as its first use. These plastics typically end up as items that can’t be recycled. The bottle takes an extra lap and is then bound for the landfill.
Recycling is a much more finicky and fine-tuned process than most might imagine. The popular conception of recycling is that plastics are shredded by large metal grinders and then melted. The most important part of plastic recycling is actual several stages of sorting. There are many plastics that aren’t recyclable but end up at the recycling facility anyway. One of the largest offenders in this arena is strongly colored plastic. Any dark or strongly color plastic causes huge problems as the dye spreads, much like a red shirt in a washing machine ruining white clothing.
A recent trend in the area of single use plastics is the marketing of products as “bio-degradable”. At face value this seems like a good deal for everyone involved. The plastics can’t possibly end up in a long-term landfill if they biodegrade, right? Unfortunately the use of the term “bio-degradable” isn’t exactly what it seems. If sent to a municipal composting facility they’ll break down just fine. These facilities operate at a higher temperature than the ambient outdoors. Without that heat, the plastics don’t break down. If the plastics are litter, they’ll stay indefinitely.
Help us work together to minimize plastic waste in Toronto. Core Mini Bins is a top Toronto waste management company, prioritizing the safe and effective disposal of all waste products including problematic plastics and more. To save on waste, contact a representative today.

Friday, 16 August 2019

How we Maintain Safety with our Demolition and Excavation Services in Toronto

Workplace injury is a major concern in the demolition and excavation industry. Major collapses and accidents can lead to serious injury and even death. There are many different causes that might not seem significant but can culminate in an unforeseen accident. Safety regulations and procedures have done a lot to advance site safety in recent years. The most crucial element of these procedures is that they must always be followed. The improper implementation and carrying out of proper safety procedures is one of the many major causes of workplace injuries and death.


How we Maintain Safety with our Demolition and Excavation Services in Toronto

The most potentially hazardous area of an excavation or demolition site is in a trench. Trenches are dug for many jobs and projects. They are very common in the repair of water pipes and other utilities that are buried beneath roadways. The limited access inherent with any trench is part of what makes them so hazardous. The procedures have to be followed carefully in order to maintain safety when dealing with workers in trenches. A worker can become buried or crushed under debris in less than a second. When this happens its often the case that there isn’t time for a rescue.
Construction companies need to be held to a high standard to reduce these deadly demolition and excavation accidents. Poor communication with these independent companies is another contributing factor to the problem of workplace injuries. It’s important to ensure that all companies that are licensed to operate are fully aware of all the necessary regulations and standards. There is no excuse for a company to be unaware of some of the most fundamental aspects of work site safety. Worse still, some companies are aware of regulations and simply do not implement them.
Most of these regulations regarding trench safety are determined by the depth of the trench in question. Minor projects with smaller risk require fewer preventative measures as they are less likely to produce the serious injuries or deaths of larger accidents. A trench with a depth of four or more feet needs to have a designated means of exiting in the case of an emergency, like a ladder or scaffold. A trench of five feet deep or more requires the installation of further protective systems and equipment. It is also required to keep materials at least two feet away from the trench edge.
Many companies say that safety is a top goal for them. In spite of this, there are still many accidents that happen. Fatal trench accidents still happen today. It is of the utmost importance to keep up vigilance when it comes to the rules for safety. There can be no excuse for these injuries and deaths in the world of today. It is up to every person involved at every level to make sure that the rules are followed to the best of their ability. Keeping up education requirements for these rules is one way that the city of Toronto does its part to ensure that these standards are upheld for all.
Sign on with Core Mini Bins as a demolition and excavation partner, and see first-hand how we prioritize safety on the job. Wherever we’re assigned in Toronto, we never compromise work quality. Contact a representative of Core Mini Bins today for more info on how we can help you!

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

As a Top Toronto Top Soil Delivery Service, Here are Tips on How to Help Grow your Lawn

Springtime is go-time when it comes to lawn maintenance. Grass is an extremely resilient plant, that’s why it’s used for lawns. Most lawns will get on well enough without any additional spring maintenance. None the less, there are some simple steps you can take to make sure your lawn is looking its best. Time is a factor here, summer lawns rely on spring upkeep.

As a Top Toronto Top Soil Delivery Service, Here are Tips on How to Help Grow your Lawn

Raking is the first step to take after the spring thaw. Leaves left over from the previous fall are joined by patches of dead or dying grass shoots that will choke out new growth. Removing this dead matter will help prevent disease and insects from taking root in your lawn. It will also leave plenty of room for the lawn to thicken and grow healthy.
pH level is a measure of the acidity of the soil. This can affect the growth of your lawn. If the pH is too high the lawn will require sulfate. A too low pH will require lawn. Application of these products is simple and most could do it themselves. These simple and cheap additives will help balance your lawn’s health and ensure great thickness and color.
If you live in an area with heavy snowfalls your lawn has likely been compacted by the weight of accumulated snow and ice. Densely packed soil will constrict the flow of water and nutrients to the lawn. Poking small holes, known as aeration, will allow the packed soil to spread out evenly. This will allow for proper water circulation and nutrient uptake.
There are many different weeds that can affect a lawn. For most weeding is as simple as pulling up dandelions and thistles. More intensely weed contaminated lawns might require the application of sprays or professional treatment. Weeding can also be undertaken at regular interviews to keep ahead of it and prevent it from getting out of hand.
A healthy lawn requires a few key nutrients. Most of what a lawn needs it can get from nature but sometimes levels are too low. Fertilizers help supplement the nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus every lawn requires. Fertilizers are best applied in the late spring in order to ensure a healthy lawn for the summer.
Bare Spots
Many lawns develop bare spots by the time spring comes around. Packing and insect larva are some of the main causes. These spots should be thoroughly raked and leveled out with soil. Grass seed can then be applied in several different ways. Regular watering will have your lawn thick and healthy in no time.
Even if your lawn looks full enough it could still benefit from a supplemental seeding. Lawns can be thinning out without any change in appearance until it’s too late. Distributing a bit of additional grass seed in the spring can avoid unpleasant surprises later on in the year. Keeping a lawn full will also prevent excess weed growth.
Lawnmower Maintenance
Mowing is likely the most important aspect of lawn maintenance. Leaving a lawn un-mowed for too long can quickly snowball into more serious problems. The accumulated mass of the additional growth means that the lawn will have to be raked after mowing, an additional chore. Keeping your lawnmower in good working order can help you avoid an inconvenient breakdown.
Anywhere in the GTAreceive top soil delivery from Toronto’s own Core Mini Bins. Grow your property the right way, with high quality soil feeding lawn growth and maintenance.

Sunday, 11 August 2019

Do you Need Construction Waste and Concrete Removal in Toronto – Call us!

As winter sets in throughout Toronto, you may want to ensure you have arrangements in place ensuring your construction waste and/or concrete removal plans are handled. No residential or commercial stakeholder wants to be left without a way forward, as it pertains to mounting construction waste or piles of broken concrete.
Industrial Ruins Old Construction Mine Building

Do you Need Construction Waste and Concrete Removal in Toronto – Call us!

As a construction waste removal company in Toronto, we’ve assisted across a wide array of projects ranging from simple kitchen renovations to whole new residential home constructions. Needless to say, in developing property, large amounts of waste are always going to be created. It’s unavoidable. Having a place to put this waste prevents it from moving off-property and/or getting stacked up in some unattractive, sometimes dangerous ways.
Small or large, ensure your waste management services are handled appropriately. Considering the type of waste being produced, there are serious consequences to improper handling of concrete and/or construction waste. Successfully mitigate the risks by hiring an experienced construction waste management company. That should involve knowing how to separate and collect inorganic waste materials compared to organic construction waste.
There exists some construction waste which can be reused and/or recycled, maximizing the potential of these resources. If you own a construction company, it requires a lot of time, effort, and investment to do this on your own. Outsourcing this responsibility to a waste management company, we know what we’re doing when it comes to removing construction waste and diverting as of it as is justifiable to recycling processing facilities.
Rent a dumpster of an appropriate size and type for your construction company. Store all waste materials here and just give a call once you need pick-up. A disposal bin like this is smart and energy-efficient. Having served all of Toronto and the GTA, we’ve had the pleasure of dropping off bins and dumpsters on a wide range of properties. Please speak with a representative to allow us to get an idea of what materials you’ll need disposal for. We may recommend alternative options, when/if appropriate.
We can handle the collection and disposal of everyday household junk and furniture, all the way through to asphalt and brick. Even if it’s a tight squeeze of a location or a challenging fit, we’ll do our best to ensure drop-off and waste removal is as simple and effortless as possible. Toronto is a city in a massive construction boom. The immense developments at various stages are impressive and thankfully, we’ve helped keep construction waste accumulation and disposal handled.
If you don’t have the means of disposal of your own construction waste and concrete, simply give us a call and we’d be happy to share what your options are. Concrete disposal and construction waste management might seem like a challenge upfront however we handle these situations almost on a daily basis. Providing Torontonians with straightforward professional services, we’ll handle the waste disposal and any related management, and you do what you do best and oversee your construction project.
Contact Core Mini Bins today to see how we dispose of construction waste and learn what may be recyclable on your project. We’ll do everything we can to maximize environmentally-friendly, law-abiding waste collection and disposal. Call us for service across Toronto and the GTA!

Saturday, 10 August 2019

5 Hazardous or Toxic Things you Should Never Throw in the Garbage

There’s no reason for toxic waste to continue to end up in our landfills here in Ontario. As part of the campaign to improve landfill diversion rates and to ensure toxic waste is being processed appropriately, here’s a quick list of five toxic things to never throw in the garbage. Help us prevent some of the more toxic household waste items from having to enter our landfills.

5 Hazardous or Toxic Things you Should Never Throw in the Garbage

Fluorescent light bulbs
Although incandescent bulbs and halogen light bulbs are perfectly fine to throw away in the regular garbage, fluorescent light bulbs actually contain some pretty toxic chemicals which should be handled as appropriate. Take these to a hazardous waste collection facility.
Paint products
Some of the more toxic pain products include oil-based paints, coatings, stains, varnishes, paint removers, and strippers. When these are casually tossed in the garbage, they can come to harm us, animals, and the environment. If it’s still more or less a full can of paint, simply return it to the store or perhaps donate it to a local non-profit organization who can put it to good use.
Glass thermometers
Glass thermometers can contain up to 500 milligrams of mercury. These are a health hazard to both human beings and the natural environment, should they break. If you want to throw out a glass thermometer, going to a household hazardous waste collection facility is recommended. They will ensure it can be properly disposed of and some are even offering an exchange for a new electric thermometer, depending on where you go.
Straightforward enough, the chemicals in batteries are extremely damaging to human beings’ health and our environment. Should they infiltrate a water supply, we could have very big problems on our hands. Not all batteries are the same however no battery is fully recyclable. Therefore, no battery should ever be tossed in with recyclables. Instead, always ensure they’re grouped together with other hazardous or toxic waste materials. Some of the batteries you want to watch out for include car batteries, rechargeable batteries, alkalines, zinc carbon batteries, lithium batteries, watch batteries, lead acid batteries, and zinc-air batteries.
Some electronics
In general, electronics need to be handled separately because of the dangerous substances they may contain. Lead, mercury, cadmium, beryllium, and brominated flame retardants are dangerous to human beings and the environment. Considered ‘e-waste’, it can either be donated or dropped off at a recycling centre to be processed.
Core Mini Bins is Toronto’s #1 Choice!
These are just a few of the things that cannot be entered into our regular day-to-day garbage. Whether you’re using waste management services, recycling, dumpster rental, or bin services, always discuss what waste materials you will be throwing out. That way, there are no surprises on how much you’re charged nor on what’s being picked up.
As a waste management and dumpster rental company in Toronto, we can assist is proper disposal of almost any waste materials. Just be sure to advise us of what you need picked up and we’d be happy to recommend the most appropriate solution. Anything that can be recycled or donated, rest assured it will be. If you are interested in regular dumpster or bin rentals, we can assist with that. Speak with a representative today at Core Mini Bins for more information on Toronto waste management, junk removal, and garbage pick-up.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Can UK’s ‘Waste to Wealth’ Policy Work Here in Canada – Ask Nestle and Burger King

The ‘waste to wealth’ initiative in the UK is bringing some of the world’s biggest brands to the table in efforts to revolutionize the waste management industry. Could a similar policy work here in Canada – we certainly think so!

Can UK’s ‘Waste to Wealth’ Policy Work Here in Canada – Ask Nestle and Burger King

The waste to wealth concept is built around the belief that the world has as little as one more decade to make the changes we need to make to prevent significant changes in our climate. Waste to wealth brings together stakeholders from the corporate and business community with government, academic leaders, and civil society. All of these efforts are to find opportunities to improve the UK’s resource productivity while reducing all avoidable waste by the year 2030.
Recently, the UK hosted the Waste to Wealth Summit 2018, bringing together more than 200 leaders from the community. In this summit, the following five commitments were made.
Improve productivity of resources and set targets to maintain production efficiencies.
Double resource productivity and eliminate all avoidable waste by 2030.
Re-design the way resources are used in products manufactured and services.
Collaborate with other organizations, value chains, and operations.
Reconvene every year to report on results, learning from one another and continue to motivate each stakeholder to move forward.
Can the same approach work in Canada
Canada has similar waste to wealth policies in place regionally although on a national basis, there’s nothing similar to the UK’s waste to wealth initiative.
If brands as big as Nestle and Burger King are open to participating in government-led initiatives like this in the UK, there’s no reason Canada cannot take a similar approach here. More than the UK, Canada has more natural resources and there’s more opportunity here to create significant waste damage as we develop these resources. It’s important to minimize potential damage and equally important, to involve our country’s biggest corporations in this process.
A lot of Canada’s top corporations are looking for the right ways to make change and to do good things. As a waste management company ourselves, we field questions every day from concerned Toronto business owners seeing ways to minimize their waste and make a positive impact on their environment. If Canada were to adopt a ‘wealth to waste’ policy, we believe that’s something that could work.
The key takeaway from waste to wealth is that it’s not environmental sustainability at the economic expense of production but rather, it’s every stakeholder and every cog in the machine working together to produce a more eco-friendly result.
In the past, a common criticism of recycling and the environmental movement as a whole was that it was pushing policies with negative economic impact. As time has passed, we’ve seen the evidence. In the majority of cases, eco-friendly policy has proven to create jobs, improve efficiencies, and have a positive impact.
As long as we keep in mind the economic impact of environmental policy, there’s no limitation to what can be accomplished with the involvement of Canada’s corporations.
For more information on how you can recycle or to improve the efficiency of your waste management in Toronto, reach out to Core Mini Bins today. We would love to help, connecting you with any available resources to ensure you’re doing right by your economic and environmental interests.

Monday, 5 August 2019

Are we Moving our Recycling Diversion Rates in the Right Direction in Canada – read here!

According to a 2018 report, Canada has a lot to work on when it comes to its rate of waste per person. Compared to other high-income countries, Canada ranks as one of the worst waste producers, analyzed on a per-person basis.

Are we Moving our Recycling Diversion Rates in the Right Direction in Canada – read here!

The average Canadian produces up to 2.2 kg of waste per person every single day. If this report is to be believed, Canada has a worse rank than Kuwait, Switzerland, Israel, Germany, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, South Korea, and Japan.
How does a rate like this affect waste diversion – well, it goes to show that Canada might be capable of more. Every year, recycling rates in North America are published. Slowly, Canada and the United States both have been gradually reducing their diversion rates. The annual waste diversion rate has fallen every year for the past five years across the continent.
Fortunately, in the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes a report every year detailing waste diversion. In Canada, there is no such equivalent – something which represents just how important we view our commitment to improving recycling rates. Although nationally there is no organization overseeing waste diversion rates, municipal, regional, and provincial stakeholders occasionally publish reports sharing recycling information.
Are we moving in the right direction – yes. Could we be doing more to move in said direction – yes, absolutely. The diversion rate in Canada should be something stipulated for national monitoring.
It’s worth keeping in mind what the diversion rate does not include, which evidently is quite a bit. Canada’s waste diversion rate does not include unmonitored initiatives such as donations to second-hand stores and thrift stores, home or backyard composting efforts, and some community-based initiatives which are making a difference in reducing waste sent to our landfills. Therefore, let’s say one were to include these efforts in producing an exact waste diversion percentage, then they would have an even higher number to show.
Nevertheless, there’s a lot more work to do in improving Canada’s waste diversion. There’s a tremendous amount of positive movement happening on the subject of recycling. Among the most promising developments is the manufacturing industry changing the way it does its packaging. Lighter, biodegradable, and intelligently designed, as we change the waste we produce, that improves the amount of it which can be diverted.
In November, earlier this year, the federal government set a public goal of cutting Canadian waste by 50 percent by 2040. As to whether this becomes reality is up for debate however we certainly support any effort made to improve recycling rates, diversion rates, and to make Canada a more environmentally-friendly place for us all. The first step towards cutting waste by fifty percent will be to cut it down by 30 percent, which is the aim for 2030.
As a waste management company ourselves, we hope to see a lot of work put into reducing waste in the immediate future. So if you are a small business, corporation, construction company, contractor, condo corporation, or residential homeowner, know we’re a company you can trust to handle all your waste management, recycling, and dumpster rental and pick-ups. Meet Toronto’s top waste management company in Core Mini Bins!

Sunday, 4 August 2019

3 Benefits of Hiring a Toronto Garbage Bin Rental Company

Completing a home renovation creates a lot of waste that needs to be disposed of. A possible solution is a garbage bin rental. Clean, easy, and affordable, you won’t have to worry about a thing.

3 Benefits of Hiring a Toronto Garbage Bin Rental Company

Dumpster bin rentals are the preferred option Toronto homeowners use when they need to rid themselves of the garbage left behind by a home renovation, when they need to clean out the garage, or when they’re working on a small construction project.
Though there are many benefits to renting a garbage bin, we’ve chosen to count down the top three. If you’ve never used a dumpster rental before, we hope this can be an introduction into why they’re used every day by homeowners and companies alike across Toronto.
If you’re on the fence about renting a dumpster, consider renting from one of Toronto’s most experienced in the field. Core Mini Bins understands there’s nothing worse than having a property littered with junk and trash. For both residential and commercial clients, these are the reasons to consider making a rental with us.
The first major benefit of a dumpster rental is it provides easy disposal of all waste materials in a clean environment. Instead of letting the trash stack and pile up outside, a bin rental prevents accumulation of waste. Dumpsters keep the property aesthetic looking great and keeps pests away. Instead of going it alone, get a professional company to sort through the various kinds of waste and dispose of them in the most sustainable way.
Convenience is high on the list of benefits for a garbage bin rental. After a bin has been placed on your property, you can finish what you’re working on without feeling rushed or having the responsibility of disposal on your back. A Toronto garbage bin rental company will remove it after the trash has been loaded up, ensuring all waste is disposed of in the most environmentally-friendly way. Depending on the size of the project and which waste you need processed, we can even drop off a new garbage bin, if needed, when disposing of your first bin.
There is no ‘one price for all’ when it comes to a Toronto dumpster rental. No matter if it’s a residential or commercial customer, we always seek to provide a budget-friendly service. Choose the size of bin you want and pay only for what you choose. Unlike the costs some companies charge, which is based on volume, a professional dumpster rental company like Core Mini Bins will work with you to help determine what size bin is best.
Are you seeking a dumpster rental in Toronto – come to Core Mini Bins. As the experts in waste management, recycling, bin rentals, and dumpster rentals, we can help. We’d love to help find the right bin for your needs. The benefits of hiring a garbage bin rental company we hope have been well understood using this email. There’s a wide variety of bins in a variety of different sizes. Choose at your convenience. Contact a representative at Core Mini Bins for more information on where to obtain a Toronto garbage bin rental.