Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Who are Canada’s Top Plastic Polluters in 2018 – read here!

Canada has many plastic polluters, including some of the world’s biggest plastic-producing corporations. Compiling 2018’s list of top plastic polluters in Canada, some names you might recognize and other names you may not have guessed.

Who are Canada’s Top Plastic Polluters in 2018 – read here!

Recently compiled by Greenpeace, auditing Canada’s top plastic polluting brans revealed several things. Cleaning up Canada’s shorelines, five companies’ products were found in great quantities. Nestle, Tim Hortons, McDonald’s, PepsiCo, and the Coca-Cola Company were those names.
Despite the recyclability of plastic bottles and similar packaging materials, so much plastic still ends up in Canada’s waterways. Greenpeace’s Break Free from Plastic campaign launched an assessment of more than 10,000 litres of plastic garbage, ranging from food wrappers to bottles and plastic-lined coffee cups. This garbage was procured from cities like Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, and Halifax. Though Nestle, Tim Hortons, McDonald’s, PepsiCo, and Coca-Cola may seem like the ones to blame, some are looking towards consumers and their knowledge. For example, in the past, as cleanups were completed one day, the next day just as much plastic ends up washed up in Canadian waters and shores.
Whether the companies are the ones to blame or the consumers is a matter for debate. Environmental organizations continue to associate responsibility to the companies for not using bio-degradable packaging. The top 10 plastic items found in Canadian waters included food wrappers, plastic bottles, cups, bottle caps, shopping bags, lids, straws, stirrers, cutlery, and containers. Though other garbage ends up in Canada’s waters, the vast majority of it is plastic – most of it branded with the company names mentioned above. Subsequently, a company like Nestle ended up having multiple branded products found in the audit, including ice cream cones, Aero chocolate bars, Coffee Crisp chocolate bars, and bottled water brands.
Some of the other names found in the audit outside of the big give include Danone, Mondelez International, Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Perfetti van Melle, Mars Incorporated, and Colgate-Palmolive.
All of the companies mentioned have different strategies towards their plastic use, ranging from Tim Hortons considering a new, more environmentally-friendly packaging strategy to companies like Nestle who are putting the impetus on the consumer to manage their own waste effectively and for municipalities to erect the necessary infrastructure to accommodate this waste.
Companies like Nestle have also made commitments to changing their packaging to make plastic reusable or recyclable and/or by considering alternative methods.
Though this is all well and good, environmental activist organizations like Greenpeace argue that trash found from audits like these are usually disposed of properly. How they end up in waterways comes from neglect, wind, or storms.
All of this information that has been gathered in this audit continues to push us towards a future where single-use plastics move to the past. Today, we continue to see companies looking to change, consumers better at waste disposal, and infrastructure improvements slowly being made.
At Core Mini Bins, environmental sustainability is important to us. Concepts like zero waste, waste diversion, and recycling have become key center points of our vision. If you are a small business or commercial space looking to improve your waste management, garbage removal, or recycling practices in Toronto, we would be happy to assist. Speak with a representative and we would be happy to connect you to the appropriate solutions.

Sunday, 23 June 2019

What Kind of Demolition Services are Available in Toronto – read here!

Are you searching for a demolition company in Toronto – we can help. Core Mini Bins is an experienced demolition company specializing in residential, commercial, and industrial projectors. With over 20 years of experience behind us, we have the knowledge and means of removing unwanted structures from a property in preparation of a new construction.
What Kind of Demolition Services are Available in Toronto – read here!

Some of the equipment we’ve used in the past includes heavy excavators, big loaders, track driven blades, skid skeet, and forklifts. From the initial stages of planning through to completion, we are a one-stop shop for all demolition and disposal. In the past, we’ve worked alongside custom home builders to assist in the removing of brick and concrete, removing garbage and waste from the premises, and supporting ongoing construction work through alternative services like junk removal, dumpster rentals, and more.
How to choose the right demolition service in Toronto comes down to many things. Efficiency is always high priority. If a company cannot deliver its services on-time then there’s no point to hiring them. Safety is also a must. Safety on-site with demolition services keeps workers safe, ensuring every project is completed without injury, damage to property, or damage to equipment. After having completed thousands of hours of work on demolition sites, we know how to recognize and anticipate risks, prevent hazards on the job site, and maximize efficiencies at every opportunity.
Be it high scale commercial and industrial demolition, or smaller scale residential bungalow demolition, we’ve got you covered. The world of construction in Toronto is very bright right now, with new developments approved almost on the daily. Having worked with numerous companies at all levels of the industry, we know everything there is to know about demolition and deconstruction.
Furthermore, in all the work we do, we make it a point to ensure materials are treated with the utmost care. We do not take our environmental responsibilities lightly. Every time we work, we employ eco-friendly and environmental sustainable working methods. It’s always been our goal to salvage whatever we can from a work site, ensuring recycling and repurposing is kept in mind. If there’s a way to make use of anything we’re demolishing or excavating on-site, we will go out of our way to see it through.
There are few demolition companies in Toronto boasting as much passion, experience, and expertise for the trade as us. All members of our team are committed to providing the highest quality performance.
Core Mini Bins specializes in not only demolition and excavation but also, in waste management, recycling, soil mixtures, bobcat and grading services in Toronto, disposal, junk removal, dumpster rentals, mini bins, and much more.
If you have a job site that is in need of any of these services or related alternatives, don’t hesitate to get in touch. A representative will be sure to connect you to what you need to maximize safety and efficiency on-site at all times.
Providing same-day services and with open lines of communication available 24/7, we’re easy to get a hold of. Always willing to go above and beyond to satisfy the terms of an agreement, Core Mini Bins always puts forth its’ best effort.
Needless to say, we look forward to continuing to grow our demolition services in Toronto and the GTA. Demolition, excavation, and so much more are available from Core Mini Bins. Reach out today.

Saturday, 22 June 2019

How a Financial Crisis in the Recycling Industry is making it More Difficult to Recycle

It’s not often talked about in mainstream media but for all the positive news there’s been in the last decade on recycling in Canada, there’s a crisis that has happened in the last couple years that is in need of address.
How a Financial Crisis in the Recycling Industry is making it More Difficult to Recycle

Recycling works because it provides financial rewards to the organizations and owners of the facilities who produce recycled products. When one takes away or changes the rules of the marketplace that makes something like recycling plastic financially viable, it changes the way we recycle. Today’s worldwide recycling industry has had things happen wherein it’s made it more difficult to recycle select products.
Globally, there’s been a crash in the market for recyclables. Across North America, cities are having to choose how they are to recycle bottles, cans, and plastics, sometimes opting to send these to landfills because they either don’t have the facilities or they don’t know how to derive profit from these materials. In the United States in particular, there are reports of paper-filled sorting centers with nowhere to send their materials, cities having to pay high processing fees to take materials that no longer have much financial profit attached, and some recycling centers that have shut down completely.
For the past two decades, recycling profits have been on the rise. For the first time in a long time, we are in a period where some plants are generating negative financial return. Why this is the case has much to do with China, the world’s largest recyclables buyer. Earlier this year, China began a new anti-pollution program which rejects any paper, metal, or plastic waste that is not minimum 99.5 percent pure. That’s a huge barrier as many American and Canadian recycling processing plants producing bales of paper and plastic do so at maximum rates of 97 percent free of contaminants.
In 2017, a bale of American-made mixed paper was worth $100 per ton. As we head into 2019, some processing plants are paying as much as $15 per ton just to get rid of these bales. Larger companies are paying to survive and many smaller companies are struggling to stay in business. Across the United States, dozens of municipalities have either had to reduce their recycling pick-ups, suspend existing recycling programs, or completely cancel recycling initiatives. The long-term consequences and trends of what’s ongoing in recycling is unclear but speaking from the today’s perspective, things are really tough for a lot of facilities out there right now.
Until the market rebounds, more effective and pure recycling production is required. Cross-contamination is something that is in dire need of address, especially in the present era of single stream recycling dominance. More washing of bottle and cans, and proper sorting of materials, and other strategies are going to be central to ensuring Canadian and American recycling markets turn profitable once again. The financial crisis in recycling is only going to grow until changes are made.
If you’re seeking waste management or recycling in Toronto, Core Mini Bins can help. We’ll connect you with the resources required to ensure you minimize your waste output and maximize the potential of the materials you’re not using. The era of sloppy waste management is over. Partner with a company who knows how, where, and why to recycle. Core Mini Bins is just a phone call away.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

The Tough Relationship between Food Waste and its Plastic Packaging

Food waste is a problem in Canada, the United States, and around the world. Though we may not associate food packaging with having a positive relationship to food waste, some advocates are calling for an increase on packaging.
The Tough Relationship between Food Waste and its Plastic Packaging

The ‘why’ is because of the belief more packaging would prevent food spoilage, a serious issue in supermarkets and food sellers across North America. To the other end of the argument, opponents suggest this would only create more plastic waste.
How to combat the growing food waste problem is unclear but what isn’t is that the food waste issue is very real. The United States alone creates up to 63 million tons of food waste every year, which comes in at a loss of $218 billion when one considers the investment in growing, processing, transporting, and disposing of food. Additionally, if one were to consider the vast array of resources used – water, land, fertilizer, labor, energy – one comes to understand the real impact.
The United States is not the only country producing large amounts of food waste. In fact, developing countries do it unintentionally. There’s sometimes rot on farms, issues with food distribution relating to spoils, and other supply chain issues at play. These types of issues are relatively easy to repair as all they require is an upgrade in technology. In North America, what we’re seeing is a very different issue. Approximately 85 percent of our food waste is being created towards the end of the supply chain, either in businesses selling the product or homes where the food’s consumed.
There are many issues consumers face in the consumption of food. For example, sometimes the produce does not appear healthy or cosmetically pleasing, despite being perfectly alright. Then, there’s over-serving food resulting in cooked food that goes uneaten. Then, there’s overpurchasing food which results in food spoiling. All of these things are unintentional ways that households create food waste. In all of human history, our food has never been more affordable and it’s never been more readily available. Needless to say, it’s no surprise we create so much food waste.
Among the solutions encouraged is a 27-point Roadmap to Reduce US Food Waste document produced by a multi-stakeholder coalition of more than fifty government leaders, non-profits, and businesses. An estimate suggests implementing these solutions would require $18 billion in investment within the next decade. Though that seems hefty – and, believe us when we say, it is! – its’ return on that investment is a decrease in food waste by 20 percent and savings of up to $100 billion.
Two of the 27 food waste solutions outlined in the report includes call to increase and improve food packaging. Though supermarkets are focused on limiting plastic packaging, if one were to increase it on select products, the argument could be made it could extend their lifetime while subsequently saving food waste. Calculating what foods could benefit, the precise type of food packaging, what’s available locally in terms of reusable containers, biomaterials, and recycling facilities – these are all things to measure when increasing food packaging on select products.
As Toronto’s top company in waste management and recycling, Core Mini Bins is passionate about maximizing the recycling output of the GTA. Contact us for more information on how to recycle at your home or company.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Seeking Better Waste Management with Compostable Containers is a Learning Curve

When the average Canadian handles a food container that looks and feels like plastic, we’ve been instructed this isn’t recycling and it should be placed in the garbage. Surprisingly so, there are many packaging and plastic containers being provided out there that are in fact recyclable. The fact that they are near identical to their non-recyclable counterparts however means compostable containers are being accidentally tossed out with the trash.
Seeking Better Waste Management with Compostable Containers is a Learning Curve

Recently, the CBC published an article highlighting the increase in compostable packaging in Prince Edward Island. In this province, all restaurants have been legislated to switch to compostable packaging. This has created a challenge though for sorters at their waste management corporation. Simply put, they cannot tell which containers are compostable and which are not. Subsequently, not all Islanders are educated on how to identify containers that are and aren’t. Though initially promising, needless to say, this new system of compostable plastics is not helpful to anyone.
How a region like Toronto can learn from this is in various ways. Plant-based plastics are an amazing idea and the fact that a province like PEI can implement them to the highest degree indicates a real possibility for them. They need to be made to look different from their plastic counterparts though. This might include a different physical design, a tag on it indicating it is compostable, or something else. Subsequently, Torontonians would need to become educated on which items are plastic and which are recyclable. This whole education process, as we’ve seen, can take years to get right. For this reason, it’s never too early to start.
If one were to implement a new compostable recyclable materials, cross-contamination is still a concern. Compostables could end up in the garbage and vice versa. The response in PEI has been to color-code the recyclable containers though this has not yet happened. The fact that PEI is leading the way on these developments though is a sure sign we could be doing more here in the GTA. We know the technology is available, the market has been proven, and the implementation of compostable plastics in other areas have shown that they work. For what’s been done in PEI, it’s time to do the same in Toronto.
For the first time in human history, these kinds of plastics can be recycled. Cutlery, plates, food packaging, and so much more can be recycled. There’s no need to throw any of that in our landfills. Compostable plastics are more expensive which may be a possible barrier to implementation in the GTA. That said, it’s a promising start to potentially show a way forward on how to maximize the environmental sustainability of so many of our businesses.
As a top Toronto waste management and recycling company, we are confident is saying better waste management is just around the corner. It’s going to take city-wide initiatives like compostable containers and infrastructure in place to ensure that recycling can be maximized. We are extremely excited for the future of Toronto and we hope to play a fundamental role in continuing to drive down waste percentages GTA-wide.
If you are a small business, corporate office, or residential property looking to minimize their environmental footprint, we would love to speak with you. Contact Core Mini Bins today to talk with a representative on how to best maximize your waste management today!

Saturday, 15 June 2019

Garbage Removal Companies in Ottawa playing a Huge Role in Tornado Clean-up

The Ottawa-Gatineau tornado that tore through different neighborhoods in Canada’s capital left a lot of garbage to clean up. Homes’ roofs were completely ripped off, cars overturned, and power lines left fallen on the ground.
Garbage Removal Companies in Ottawa playing a Huge Role in Tornado Clean-up

The community has come together to help clean up a lot of what’s been tossed around and garbage removal companies have played a central role in this. As one of Toronto’s biggest garbage removal companies, we would like to take this article to salute the efforts of all of our competitors in Ottawa who have taken it upon themselves to help citizens in dire need.
Companies like ours have helped to pull fridges out from basements, clear debris from yards, unload furniture, and so much more. Small businesses have called on garbage removal companies to help regain assets that were either damaged or strewed about. The small collection of residents who are moving are also using these companies to assist in clearing out their past property.
Private businesses like Core Mini Bins have an important role to play in post-disaster clean-up and this is evidence of that. There was a lot of equipment and furniture ruined, properties destroyed, and possessions lost. To remove, repair, and clear this, city resources only go so far. The City of Ottawa has not even provided supplementary curbside service, only maintaining its regular collection commitment. If you live in Ottawa and have a bulky item to remove, the only way to do that right now is through a private company.
In response to the high demands faced by junk removal and waste management companies, workers have been at it all hours of the day. Dumpster rental requests are through the roof and we’ve seen reports of entire fleets being completely rented out. For all the work that garbage removal companies have and continue to play in the post-tornado clean-up, we salute them! Whether one believes the City of Ottawa to have fallen short in its clean-up or not, garbage removal companies have contributed a lot assisting families and citizens in the aftermath.
Though we hope never the same to happen in Toronto and the GTA, if we were to get a tornado or natural disaster, we are ready. Core Mini Bins is equipped with all the equipment to service waste management requirements, recycling, junk removal, garbage pick-up, dumpster rental, demolition, excavation, and more. As a company with the manpower to support garbage removal in the aftermath of a similar event, please feel encouraged to take our number and hang onto it so you know where to call should you need our services for your property.
Assisting both residential and commercial customers, Core Mini Bins has been a go-to name for over a decade. The next time you need to rent a dumpster for a home renovation, are moving and require a junk removal company to get rid of old furniture, need same-day garbage pick-up, or require help on a demolition or excavation, we regularly field requests across each of these scenarios. Speak with a representative at Core Mini Bins today for more information on how to maximize your waste management.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

‘Zero Waste’ Movement Continues to gain Momentum in Canada

The zero waste movement is alive and well across Canada as corporate partner, individual Canadian households, and municipalities continue to drive towards a more environmentally-friendly future. As a concept, zero waste is a very attractive lifestyle to many. Zero waste preaches a reduction in the waste we use by creating circular economic systems wherein the products we consume can then be recycled, repurposed, or remanufactured into something else.
‘Zero Waste’ Movement Continues to gain Momentum in Canada

To some, this might seem close to impossible. Believe it or not though, Canada is inching its way closer and closer to a zero waste reality. Households are beginning to question the single-use, disposable products they use. Manufacturers are developing more recyclable packaging that is not just single-use. Corporate giants like Walmart have also made firm commitments to reducing their waste within the next five years. Though it may have appeared like a farfetched dream at one point, today, we are closer than ever.
There are many benefits to going zero waste. Economically, it’s a lot less expensive to remanufacture a product than it is to create it from new. Secondly, it’s resulting in less space being taken up in our landfills. Landfills are valuable real estate and the space is limited in quantity so anything done to divert waste away is important. Amazingly, a lot of the positive movement towards zero waste has come from everyday Canadian households. Though producing zero trash would be difficult for any household, by doing one’s research, they can begin closing the gap by eliminating the consumption of non-recyclables and non-compostable items. A small number of Canadian households have even been able to reduce their monthly waste to almost less than a shoebox.
Thanks in large part to the Internet and social media, the zero waste community has also been growing. Advice is shared every day on blogs, several books have been published on the zero waste movement, and entire online communities have developed on sites like Facebook. Common tips shared include where to shop for the most recyclable packaging and where to recycle different materials in cities like Toronto, Ottawa, and others. Learning how to cut down one’s trash absolutely takes time however the benefits are important to remember. There’s real potential to save time and money, and to help our community by simplifying and going zero waste.
For Canadian families, it’s a fun activity learning where to shop and what to buy that is zero waste. For millennials, there’s also been shown to be strong interest into finding creative ways to reduce waste. Brands everywhere have responded very favorably to this and significant effort is being made in the corporate world to move towards a zero waste landscape. There are many online resources where more can be found out about how to participate in the zero waste movement. Some of the easiest way to do this is by eliminating single-use items from the home and following recommendations for everything from cooking oil to batteries, ink cartridges, formal marriage dresses, gift cards, and soda cans.
If you are interested in waste reduction, waste disposal, waste management, and recycling programs, please feel encouraged to contact Core Mini Bins. A representative would be happy to recommend the most appropriate waste management solutions for your home or small business. Having worked with brands across Toronto and the GTA, Core Mini Bins can help!
Source : https://www.garbagebinrentals.ca/waste-collection-removal-disposal-blog/601-zero-waste-movement-continues-to-gain-momentum-in-canada.html

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Will your Recycling end up being Recycled and where does it go Once it leaves the Curb

In the last decade, Toronto recycling programs have focused on taking waste from the curb through to repurposing operations. If you’ve ever wanted to know what happens once your recycling leaves the curb and where it goes, let us share.
Will your Recycling end up being Recycled and where does it go Once it leaves the Curb

Toronto’s recycling program
\ is available to all citizens. Detached households, semi-detached homes, apartments, and condo developments all are subject to garbage and recycling standards. Despite the availability of recycling, not all apartments and condo complexes do just that. As a matter of fact, we’ve seen several apartment buildings across the GTA in the last decade who have not made an effort to collect recycling and instead, opting for a single garbage pick-up. If your property manager is not interested in registering for recycling, that creates a very difficult situation for tenants who want to recycle.
So the next question on the list after availability is identifying what you can recycle. Things like paper, plastics, glass, and metal are all recyclable in Toronto. Paint cans, ceramics, and styrofoam food containers are not. Plastic grocery bags are not due to the type of plastic used and their ability to get caught in the recycling sorting equipment used at Toronto facilities. Household items like batteries, light bulbs, and paint also come with special restrictions. Bulkier items like couches, mattresses, and other furniture are best being collected curbside by a Toronto junk removal service. There’s a lot of thought that has been given to Toronto’s recycling program, despite how imperfect it may seem.
Now, a big question we receive is how much of Toronto’s recycling actually ends up being recycled. The retrieval trucks that pick up recycling in the GTA are more or less the same as garbage trucks. Now, recycling has many financial benefits to it, which evidently makes it a big priority for the city. Toronto pays for what it has to deliver to landfills and with limited space, there’s some incentive there to recycle. The various recycling facilities used in and around Toronto also make profit from selling what they sort. The more that it can collect and sell, the more money made.
Though the financial rewards are well stated, recycling in Toronto is not perfect. There is still a lot of cross-contamination of materials, which renders otherwise recyclable materials to non-recyclables. Waste diversion rates are respectable however they are not perfect either. There are a lack of facilities to handle some materials which are recyclable and that has resulted in only being able to collect certain items.
After materials have been collected, they are sent to a local recycling processing plant where tons are processed every day. Cardboard, plastics, mixed paper, glass, and metal are sorted. They are then compacted into large bales before being sent to mills to process them into new materials, which range from everything from cereal boxes to bottles. When prices for these commodities are high, taxpayers benefit. When they are low, it can present some issues related to the financial rewards of recycling.
If you are interested in recycling in Toronto or waste management, Core Mini Bins would love to connect you with the right resources to minimize your waste footprint. Speak with a representative today for more information on how to maximize your recycling with a company you can trust!

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Why are There so Many Dumpster Rental Bin Sizes to Choose from – see here!

As one of Toronto’s top dumpster rental companies, we know the ins and outs of the challenges of bin rentals in the GTA. If you are searching for a dumpster rental in the GTA, we would love to assist in finding you the right bin sizae for your needs.
Why are There so Many Dumpster Rental Bin Sizes to Choose from – see here!

Be it for a residential home or a business looking to dispose of their garbage quickly and easily, a dumpster rental is pretty straightforward. All that’s required is for you to give us a call and speak with one of our representatives. After a specific bin has been decided on, we arrange for drop-off and pick-up at the most appropriate time according to your schedule.
There are different bin sizes to choose from because every project is different. For the average person, all they may need is the smallest size. Anything bigger would be an opportunity to overcharge which is not what we’re about. Choose the bin you require according to your budget and needs. Now, bins are typically measured in cubic yards. For anyone unsure about what’s most suitable to a given project, a representative would be happy to make a recommendation.
Renting a dumpster for a large construction crew is going to mean selecting the largest size. Needless to say, going with a bin too small is going to mean it gets filled way too soon and/or could result in overcharges. The size of the bin you choose needs to have sufficient room in it to dispose of debris, junk, and waste. If you end up filling up the bin and having to wait for pick-up, this means you could end up having to make a pile of waste beside it. In this example, why even rent a bin if you’re still going to have to have a garbage pile beside it – if you’re unsure, speak to a representative.
Core Mini Bins serves everyone from large construction crews across Toronto to homeowners conducting small renovation jobs or who are disposing of furniture. We are a one-stop shop for all things waste management, recycling, junk removal, and dumpster and bin rental. For homeowners in the GTA, all the time, small bins are rented to throw away couches, drywall, carpeting, and more. For Canadians who don’t have the luxury of having a truck and/or who don’t have the time to bring garbage item by item to the dump, a bin rental is an easy solution. We even offer same-day delivery so if you need it in a rush, you can probably get it from us.
All through the different dumpster rental bin sizes, one is shown that one size does not fit all. Customers are encouraged to let us know what they intend to throw away, the size of the project, and other pertinent information that could influence the size of bin required. A representative can assess the size of bin needed and schedule an appropriate drop-off time.
Save yourself cash not having to pay for an oversized bin or overfilling a dumpster too small. Stay on-budget and get rid of your waste quickly with a Core Mini Bins dumpster rental. Speak with a representative today about your project. We’ll answer any questions, handle delivery and pick-up, and keep things easy!

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Why it’s Time to re-Think how and what Plastics we Recycle in Canada

Not all plastics are made equal. Surprising to some, there are many different kinds of plastics – some of which are recyclable and some of which not. Though plastics are traditionally tossed into the blue bin, this occasionally creates complications.
Why it’s Time to re-Think how and what Plastics we Recycle in Canada

It just might be time to re-think how we do recycling in Toronto and what we choose to include. A lot of the contemporary debate on plastics in recycling in Canada is spurred from China deciding it was no longer accepting foreign plastics onto its shores. It was that decision that left many North American municipalities without a defined plan on where their plastics were to go.
As it pertains to what plastics are recyclable and which aren’t, a lot of that plays into the markets. There are high-value plastics that are easy to recycle because they are in strong demand. Then, there are some plastics that can be recycled but that are not in high demand and so they may not get recycled. Lastly, there are the plastics that cannot be recycled under any case because we either do not have the facilities to do so or there’s not enough financial reward on the back-end for it to make sense. In the recycling blue bin of Toronto and other municipalities, it may be time to give some thought to how we separate our plastics and what plastics we choose to accept.
Any time recyclable plastics end up in our landfills, that’s a loss to us. Any time that non-recyclable plastics contaminate a haul of otherwise recyclable plastics, that’s also a loss. Thus, to all these questions about landfills, there’s only a few select solutions. There’s finding a way to create the demand to recycle these plastics which may or may not be possible, depending on what organization or expert you speak with. There’s creating the facilities in which these products can be recycled however to do that, one is hinging on their being market demand for it.
Naturally, it would be best to recycle as much as we can. Unfortunately, in this day and age, that is just not possible. Ontario municipalities continue to collect plastics that are just not financially viable enough to recycle. It might be time to do without collecting recycling where there is no financial profit to be derived from.
Right now, there’s no questioning that there’s a lot of confusion on behalf of consumers related to what to recycle and how it can be recycled. Justifying the recycling of plastic bottles but making it so that grocery bags are not recyclable is difficult to explain to some people. The truth is though that right now, there’s a hierarchy of plastic out there with only some of it that has merit to recycling.
The future of Canadian recycling is going to have to be built on developing systems that make it easy for consumers to recycle and that make it financially responsible for municipalities to do the same. This is perhaps the only way to move forward if we are to create truly environmentally-friendly solutions to the growing waste problem set to face Canadians in the decades to come.
As a waste management and recycling company, Core Mini Bins believes in minimizing non-recyclables as best as is possible. As we seek to maximize recycling efforts here in the GTA and across Canada, we look forward to a future wherein plastics are better accommodated for.

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Introducing Toronto’s new TOwaste App to Answer all Waste Management Questions

The City of Toronto has recently launched a new app to assist with the City’s waste disposal problem. Downloadable under the tag ‘TOwaste’, this app has been designed as an easy way to help Toronto take out its trash.
Introducing Toronto’s new TOwaste App to Answer all Waste Management Questions

For residential waste management and pick-up, the new TOwaste app is a big deal. Free to download across iOS and Android platforms, the TOwaste app is a part of Toronto’s ongoing commitment to better waste management. The City’s Long Term Waste Management Strategy program came up with the TOwaste app as a means of supporting reuse and diversion here in the GTA.
Naturally, as a waste management company ourselves, Core Mini Bins was extremely pleased to see the development and release of this app. Any opportunity to increase waste diversion in Toronto is important, just because of the sheer amount of waste produced here in the region and the challenges faced in handling it. Upon downloading it, you’ll see there are many unique features to the TOwaste app that may catch your attention.
To begin with the TOwaste app, you’ll find a section identifying what trash goes into what bin. This helps to simplify the waste toss-out process for consumers and will hopefully minimize recycling cross-contamination which is evidently a huge problem. Any time cross-contamination happens in one of our blue bins, it has the likelihood of ruining everything in said bin that could have been recycled. Long-term, this is a simple way using minimal effort to bring down cross-contamination rates and thereby increase the amount we recycle.
Next, the TOwaste app allows a user to check into the Collection Schedule component which will show anyone their garbage pick-up schedule. A user can even get an advance notification on pick-up day regarding collection times. If you’re a residential or commercial space with day-time curbside collections, this is another key feature. Then, there’s the ‘Drop-off’ feature which is a map of all available drop-off and donation centres. Browsing local drop-off depots, you’ll find hours and types of waste accepted among other information. This is, again, great news as it serves to divert a percentage of landfill waste and providing it to organizations in need.
The TOwaste app is hardly the first time such an app has been launched in Canada. For example, there are similar apps launched for residents in Ottawa as well as in Vancouver, Victoria, and in select other cities.
That said, the willingness of Toronto to develop an app like this is a positive move. Now, anyone with a smartphone has instant access to show them what trash can be recycled, what isn’t recyclable, and when pick-up is their nearby region. Also, if you happen to have things like clothing, sports equipment, furniture, electronics, pet supplies, or tools, you’re able to search out donation centres across the GTA in this app with a simple tap and swipe!
As we hope for the best for the TOwaste app, if you have any questions not answered by the app, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Core Mini Bins. As experts in Toronto waste management, we would be happy to answer any queries and recommend a solution if it’s not already covered by municipal services. If you’re a residential or commercial customer in Toronto or the GTA seeking waste management, recycling, junk removal, or waste pick-up and disposal services, contact a representative today.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Do You Need to get rid of Furniture and need Junk Removal – Call us today!

Finding a way to remove furniture and other junk is not always easy. Even trying to find a way to lug it to a friend’s place or to a donation centre can prove to be hard. As a top Toronto junk removal company, we offer garbage and junk removal and disposal across the GTA. Specializing in waste management, recycling, dumpster rentals, and junk removal, Core Mini Bins has always had the ambition to be there for Torontonians far and wide. Now, we can be. If you are in need of removing a single item or multiple pieces of furniture, we can have same-day junk removal services on their way to you. All it takes is a phone call!

Do You Need to get rid of Furniture and need Junk Removal – Call us today!

We’ve all been there before, where we’ve purchased a new piece of furniture and don’t have any clue with what to do with the old one. Every day in Toronto, this is common with everything from dishwashers to couches, fridges, and desks. If you’re installing the new in today, you can get the old out same day with Core Mini Bins. It doesn’t need to be such a hassle to get furniture and appliances out. Even if there are multiple massive pieces of furniture or large appliances to dump, we have the manpower and the vehicles to do it. Moving large pieces of junk across Toronto can be cumbersome. There’s no need to go it alone. Just a few of the items we’ve helped remove from different homes and condos across Toronto include mattresses, couches, washers, dryers, televisions, and refrigerators.
Junk removal services in Toronto with Core Mini Bins are as simple as giving us a call and then, waiting for us to arrive. We can assist in getting your appliance out of the home safely and onto the curb. Even better, when you call, we can generally be there same day. It’s our goal to try and keep things as straightforward and hassle-free as possible. Also, environmentally friendly waste disposal is important to us. As a waste management and recycling company, we have key partnerships with facilities across the GTA ensuring that what can be donated is donated and what can be recycled is recycled. When disposing of older furniture and appliances, it’s important to us that they’re being sent to the right place. Special consideration needs to be made to the chemicals in things like fridges, freezers, and similar appliances.
When we dispose of any furniture via junk removal, we work hard to do it right. Rest assured that we maintain a strong environmental commitment. As your go-to source for waste pick-up, waste disposal, and junk removal in Toronto, you can count on Core Mini Bins to be there on time and to provide a price that we stick to. Even if it’s just one-item, a junk removal company like ours can take a lot of the load off. For more information, don’t hesitate to speak with one of our representatives today. Also, if it’s a multi-item pick-up, there’s plenty of junk removal, dumpster rental, and waste pick-up options to consider.
Core Mini Bins has been a figurehead in the Toronto waste management game for years. Don’t hesitate to give us a call should you have any questions!

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Is it Time to Change What we Recycle

Earlier this year, China refused to continue allowing plastic waste from abroad into its borders. In response, many waste management companies across North America were left without arrangements. As things began to change to accommodate China’s ban on plastics, demand rose on certain plastics and fell on others.
Is it Time to Change What we Recycle

This highlights the troublesome predicament many municipalities face. As much as they may like to recycle everything, what they can recycle is reserved only to the facilities that surround them and the pathways down which they can send waste.
It’s the market that dictates what can be recycled and what cannot. If there’s no demand for a given recycling product, it may eventually end up in a landfill somewhere. Across Ontario, there are plastics that end up in landfills simply because we don’t have a way to recycle them. The long-term viability of certain plastics and recycling products is up in the air at the moment, because of the lack of market there is. There are many different kinds of plastic out there. We would like to highlight a few here to use as an example of what we mean.
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
PET is the most common type of plastic used in plastic bottles and other food packaging. These have the best chance at getting recycled as this is where so much of the market has targeted. It’s highly recyclable.
High-density Polyethylene (HDPE)
HDPE plastic is used predominantly in cleaning products, laundry detergents, and shampoo bottles. HDPE is commonly accepted into Ontario’s blue bin programs as it is similar to PET in the sense that the markets are very well-developed and stable. Demand for HDPE remains moderate.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
PVC lacks a stable market to support its recycling leaving it in the grey area of whether it makes sense to recycle or not. PVC plastics are among the most difficult to sell. There is some development happening in this space however today, if you have PVC plastic, it’s likely to be headed towards the landfill.
Low-density Polyethylene (LDPE)
LDPE plastics are commonly used in food wrappers, squeezable bottles, and dry cleaning bags. The interesting thing about LDPE plastics is that they are very recyclable. The problem is that they are sometimes not accepted into recycling programs, such as Ottawa’s, because they get easily caught in the sorting equipment. They can wreck gears, conveyor belts, and more. That’s the issue.
Polypropylene (PP)
PP plastics are used predominantly in food for products like yogurt, margarine, and cream cheese. There’s evidently a lot of polypropylene out there. Thankfully, the market is expanding at a fast rate and the demand remains high.
Polystyrene (PS)
PS plastics are used in plastic food containers that require more rigidity to it, such as yogurt containers. Some municipalities do not accept these while others do. Unlike the other categories on this list, this is less about a market and more about quality of plastic. These plastics do not have a high quality to them, meaning there is not much recycling to do with them.
As a waste management and recycling company, Toronto’s own Core Mini Bins supports further development of markets that maximize our waste. If you are looking for waste management, recycling, junk removal, dumpster rental, or more, please get in touch with a Core Mini Bins representative today.