Tuesday, 26 February 2019

4 Easy Steps to Renting a Bin, Mini Bin, Dumpster, or Waste Container

 Renting a bin, mini bin, dumpster, or waste container in Toronto for your residential or commercial project has been made easy. Core Mini Bins even offers same day service if you need your bin today. As one of the top Toronto dumpster rental companies, we do our best to deliver the highest quality service at the most affordable price. Choose from bin rentals, disposal bins, dumpster rentals, waste disposal bins, garbage bins, mini bins, junk removal, and construction bins. For those that have never rented before, here’s 4 easy steps to getting your rental and what to expect once you have it.

Mini Bins Rental Toronto

The first step is to give us a call and speak with a representative to determine the exact size of bin you need. This can be a little tricky for Toronto residents inexperienced with bin rentals however one of our experts is sure to be of assistance. By renting too large, evidently, you’ll end up overpaying on size that you won’t use. By renting too small, you may require upsizing at a later date or risk paying additional fees if it ends up being overfilled. It always makes the most sense to speak with one of our representatives to get a better idea on what’s best for your disposal project and to share what materials you would like to get rid of.

The second step is to book the best date and time for bin delivery. Depending on if it’s to your home, construction site, or office, there may be some scheduling considerations to make. That said, we are one of the few Toronto waste management and bin rental companies who offer same day service. If you need your bin today, we’ll do everything we can to make the necessary arrangements to get you your bin. The third step – and evidently the most fun – is filling up your disposal bin. When filling, be sure not to overfill and also, to not throw in hazardous waste or any materials that are not permitted. If there’s any ambiguity or if anything is unclear, don’t hesitate to give us a call and one of our representatives would be sure to outline what materials are acceptable.

The fourth and final step is the disposal bin pick-up which is our responsibility. After you’ve filled your bin, either give us a call to arrange pick-up or wait until your assigned pick-up date. At this step, we take care of pick-up and handle all the dumping and/or recycling that needs to happen. If there’s the opportunity to reuse any materials inside the dumpster, we will do our best to ensure they are recycled at the appropriate facilities. Whichever materials are deemed unrecyclable, we will dump them at the appropriate site. If there’s any further questions on this final step, don’t hesitate to call the office and we would be happy to address any queries.

When it comes to renting a bin, mini bin, dumpster, or waste container, Core Mini Bins is one of the best in Toronto. Over the years, we’ve worked on hundreds of residential, commercial, and industrial projects across Toronto, the GTA, and southern Ontario. Call us anytime and we will be sure to do our best to ensure the support you need is on its way. Core Mini Bins is the ultimate waste management solution!

Friday, 22 February 2019

This is What Happens when you illegally Dispose of Industrial Waste

The extensive development across Toronto, the GTA, and southern Ontario has led to record amounts of construction and industrial waste. It has been imperative for this waste to be accurately and appropriately disposed of.
Industrial waste toronto
For the vast majority of contractors and related stakeholders, ensuring the proper disposal of industrial waste is a high priority and it’s one they accomplish routinely. There have occasionally been instances however when contractors have attempted to cut corners, resulting in environmental damage, health and safety at risk, and financial penalties.

For any contractor who’s ever wondered how much a fine is for illegally disposing of industrial waste, this past June, SNC-Lavalin Constructors, Dragodos Canada, and the EllisDon Corporation were charged $95,000 for illegally dumping industrial waste in violation of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA).

These three aforementioned companies conspired with the owner of an unapproved waste disposal site to illegally dump liquid industrial waste, generated from the Ottawa Confederation Line light rail transit project. The exact material disposed of was the watery slurry generated from the tunnelling activities completed for this project.

Thankfully, the amount of industrial waste illegally dumped in this case was not large and the fine was minimal, especially in comparison with penalties extending to $2 million and possible imprisonment. Industrial waste must always be handled with the utmost care, ensuring the necessary licenses, permits, or approvals are obtained.

The financial penalties can be high however it’s the environmental damage that is much worse. Industrial waste has the potential to put the health and safety of those living in the immediate disposal environment at risk. In the aforementioned case, it was ‘water slurry’. At other times, it could be more hazardous chemicals or asbestos. At such a critical time in human history, illegally dumping waste is not acceptable, whether it’s done knowingly or unknowingly.

Beyond the damage done to the environment, there could be thousands of dollars of clean-up. In the past hundred years of Canadian history, we have seen the amount of damage environmental accidents and illegal dumping can cause. Land and water contaminations, and vulnerable populations put at risk are just the beginning. Needless to say, this is highly unacceptable behaviour.

As a contractor, when you illegally dispose of industrial waste, you end up putting a lot at risk, and the consequences just do not make it worth the risk. Always get the appropriate permits. As a waste management company in Toronto, we hold very high disposal standards. When we are dealing with any contractor in need of industrial waste disposal, you can trust us to ensure your waste is being handled appropriately.

Thankfully, the contractors we work with uphold much of the same high standards for their waste disposal, ensuring industrial waste is processed legally according to the appropriate government regulations.

For more information on how to dispose of industrial waste in Toronto, contact Core Mini Bins today to speak with a representative. Illegal dumping of industrial waste in Toronto is an insult to the local communities and is something we are proud to stand against. When you hire Core Mini Bins for industrial waste disposal, know that we’ll get the clean-up done the right way. Proper dumping of waste ensures that all stakeholders are respected and that our contractors are protected.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

What Can we use Construction Waste to Build – here are some Options!

It’s easy to forget how valuable construction waste actually is. So much of it can oftentimes be recycled and/or reused into similar construction materials. What cannot be reused for the same purpose can be recycled into numerous products from gas masks to sports equipment!
Disposal services Toronto, Disposal bins Toronto, disposal bin rentals, Mini Bin Rental, Garbage Bin Rental, Junk disposal Toronto,

As a waste management company in Toronto specializing in construction waste disposal and recycling, we know the value of these materials. Every year in Toronto, thousands of pounds of building materials are derived from construction waste. To let these materials sink into the local GTA landfills is a huge missed opportunity. Instead of discarding these materials as simply ‘garbage’, working with a construction waste company like Core Mini Bins ensures they’re put to good use.

New recycling technologies have now made it possible to reuse almost all of the construction waste material. The fibreboards removed during demolition and/or renovation are one such material. In the past, these fibreboards were typically landfilled. New processes still in the process of hitting the marketplace have made it possible to convert these fibreboards to activated carbon, which can thereby be reused in things like water purifiers or gas masks.

In the years to come, we look forward to seeing where technology leads us. We believe there are immense opportunities to divert waste from landfills, as it applies to construction waste. Currently, the construction industry’s waste accounts for approximately half the solid waste that cities like Toronto produce every year. Every year, internationally, 4.5 million single-storey homes’ worth of waste is made. Though some of this is recycled today, not all of it is – despite the fact that most of it can be. The future of recycling in Toronto needs to examine the potential that exists in these waste materials.

Beyond the sheer amount being produced in construction waste, as much as 6 percent of the world’s energy use originates from the extraction of raw materials and manufacturing of new building products. The more construction waste that is repurposed, the lower this number becomes which helps to reduce the negative impact of energy use.

Construction waste is not the only area of waste production that needs to be examined for potential recycling opportunities however it is one of the biggest. The consumption of materials is something that cannot be avoided. What materials are consumed and how they are re-purposed is something within our control. In the years to come, we strongly believe we can further mitigate the environmental damage of construction waste while creating economic benefit for Toronto.

The City of Toronto is making waste management a priority however not enough is being done today to invest in possible recycling of construction waste. We are hopeful that as more recycling facilities are built and as the industry continues to expand, this allows companies like ours to continue servicing contracting businesses seeking to get the most from their waste materials. All things considered, we all need to rethink the construction waste business model.

Core Mini Bins is dedicated to providing the highest quality Toronto construction waste management and recycling service. Please feel free to give us a call today for more information on how we can help you with all of your construction waste processing needs.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Is Charging Residents for Track Pick-up a good Way to reduce Residential Waste – a Discussion

 Cities across the world are considering or have already changed the way that they charge for residential waste pick-up. Regina, Saskatchewan is seeking to reduce their waste using a similar approach. The City wants to charge residents for trash pick-up based on the size of the bin used. Thereby, households that produce more waste would be charged higher than those that produce less waste.

Waste Management Toronto  http://www.garbagebinrentals.ca/services/disposal-services.html

The ‘user-pay’ garbage system is thought to be an effective way at diverting waste from the City’s landfills however it does not necessary address the root causes of waste. Should this new user-pay system be put into law, it will of course cause many households to examine their waste output. This is a great thing and it could absolutely cause waste creation to lower in Regina.

The negative though is that some households may turn to illegal or alternative means of dumping their waste. Similar to Ontario’s cap and trade system, the user-pay garbage system provides permission to households to produce high amounts of waste as long as they’re willing to pay for it.

As inconvenient as it may be to some households, charging residents for trash pick-up by way of the user-pay garbage system has reduced waste in communities across Canada and increased waste diversion efforts. It’s difficult to argue with those results!

The case of Regina is similar to others in Canada. Currently, they boast a waste diversion rate of up to 20 percent annually and have committed to improving that to 65 percent by 2020. Despite that commitment, analysts who have examined the situation have shared there remains no infrastructure in place to get the city above 25 percent. A user-pay garbage system could be a sizeable step towards getting to that 65 percent waste diversion rate.

Much like Toronto and other cities across Ontario, Regina does not have finite landfill space. The current Regina landfill is expected to only have 28 years left in its ability to handle capacity. After the city landfill is filled, government will have to build a new landfill elsewhere. Landfills are notoriously expensive to build and operate, creating more greenhouse gas emissions, more environmental hazards, and more waste.

We can all agree on the fact that cities from Vancouver and Regina to Toronto and Hamilton have growing waste management issues. How to handle and resolve these waste management issues is a matter of debate. That said, charging residents for trash pick-up as a means of reducing residential waste has been shown to work at accomplishing waste management goals.

Though it may not seem fair to some households, in large part, a user-pay garbage system will likely work wonders at improving waste diversion. It’s not the only effective strategy out there however. It’s going to take time for people, small businesses, corporations, and government to catch up. Limiting single-use items, improving recycling processing access, new recycling technologies, and more all show us a promising future for how waste is handled in Canada.

For anyone who wants high quality waste management services in a residential or commercial property, we can help. As an experienced Toronto waste management company, we service the GTA and outwards. Contact Core Mini Bins today to speak with a representative and together, we can find a cost-effective solution for your waste management needs.

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Why Do Human Beings produce So Much Waste – here’s the Answer!

As human beings, let’s face it, we create immense amounts of waste! It’s sort of become our nature. Every year, human beings generate more than 1.3 billion tons of trash and most of this is being put out into the environment untreated. Western nations struggle with places to put their waste, developing nations struggle to remove theirs, and in the meantime, the accumulation of it in regions all over the world is difficult to ignore. If you’ve ever wondered why human beings product so much waste, here’s some answers.
Waste Management Toronto
Poor waste management infrastructure.

Waste management systems across Canadian and international cities are failing us. The reason why so much plastic ends up in our oceans is because waste management infrastructure allows it to happen. More than half of the world’s plastic litter comes from ineffective waste management infrastructures from countries like China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Though Canada’s infrastructure is much more advanced in terms of waste management and recycling, we need to examine opportunities to limit our waste by improving on its efficiencies.

It’s more convenient to be wasteful.

In our lives, we produce waste. Though we can limit our waste production, a lot of the time convenience is more important to us than not being wasteful. For example, we go to the grocery store and use plastic bags, we use single-use materials every day, we’re surrounded by disposable plastics, and even the packaging our electronics come in is very wasteful. Today, the world produces more than 20 times more plastic than it did fifty years ago. Needless to say, the #1 reason human beings produce the amount of waste they do has to do with not wanting to go without convenience.

Recycling technology has not advanced as much as we think.

Recycling is a very positive, healthy thing however we are nowhere near recycling as many materials as some of us may think. As materials are recycled, such as plastic, they degrade and become lesser quality. It’s estimated that only 2 percent of plastics recycled are able to be re-used in a product of similar quality. Most end up downgraded to lesser quality products. Though recycling tech is advancing, it’s not clear if it’s going to advance to the point that allows us to get to a zero waste society by 2030.

Government regulation is not keeping up with consumer needs.

Though the City of Toronto and the GTA have been on the ball most of the time with environmental regulation, in other cities and in some cases here, wasteful behaviour is incentivized. If the government is not actively encouraging less waste production and/or pursuing an infrastructure that further reduces waste, it permits negative behaviour to continue.

We focus on ‘growth’ rather than ‘sustainability’.

Waste management and recycling in the GTA is very guilty of pursuing growth over sustainability. With all the development ongoing in Toronto, many have argued that there’s not enough being done to focus on how to sustain the City’s many systems, from transportation to waste management. In result, growth continues and the size of the sustainability problem serves to grow accordingly. The future of cities like Toronto are going to have to rely on stronger sustainability initiatives in order to survive.

As a premiere Toronto waste management company, Core Mini Bins hopes to continue promote more effective and efficient waste practices throughout the GTA. For waste management, recycling, junk removal, demolition, excavation, and more, contact a representative today.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

What is the Excavation like at Yonge-Bloor for Canada’s Tallest Building – here’s a look!

Bloor 1 is going to be Canada’s tallest building when it is inevitably completed. Construction of what has been called ‘The One’ began in August, 2017. An official ceremony followed later that year in October to celebrate the first few months of building this eighty-five storey luxury tower.

The excavation of Yonge-Bloor’s tallest tower has begun with the early stages delving into a building what will anchor the building’s exoskeleton. The work put in this month and in the next few months are what will determine how strong the structure is in relation to its foundation. There are also subsequent procedures being followed to prepare to move a heritage building in the neighborhood as well.

The entire excavation and construction process is pretty extensive for this huge endeavor. There’s been much soil already removed from the site by its excavators and there may be more on the way. Though much waste is being produced at the site of ‘The One’, as the weeks continue to pass by, it will mark the first time Toronto has built a high-rise condo development from its top down. That is, basement slabs will be employed to brace the walls of the perimeter foundation, then to be followed by formation of the ground and first below-grade level. After these levels are shaped according to the site’s plans, the remainder of the below-grade levels can then be constructed.

The heritage building at 776-778 Yonge Street is currently being held up by steel beam supports and the heritage storefronts will eventually find their way into the design of the tower base.

When it comes to building condos in Toronto, excavation is a large part of the process. In order to achieve a high quality finished product, a high quality excavation is required. Excavation is among the earliest phases of the construction. After the design and layout have been agreed upon, and a schedule established, the plot for the development needs to be appropriately assessed, evaluated, and laid out.

From there, the first real phase of getting down into the nitty gritty is in the excavation. Excavation allows for the removal of soil and other materials from below ground level. In terms of Toronto condo developments, this process allows one to put in elements such as parking garages, in addition to being an area where the concrete is poured and footings are established. The excavation process combined with the concrete pouring can oftentimes be pretty complex, taking up as much as 30-40% of the total construction process.

As Yonge-Bloor slowly sees its tower go up, it will mark another successful excavation and construction in Toronto. As one of Toronto’s top excavation and demolition firms, we’ve always upheld the highest standards when it comes to performing an excavation. Though we did not participate in the work done on ‘The One’, we can recognize it to soon be a historic part of modern-day Toronto.

For all of your Toronto excavation needs, please contact Core Mini Bins today for more information. We would be happy to connect you with a representative who can recommend the appropriate services for your project. Upholding the highest excavation standards in the GTA, you can’t go wrong partnering with Core Mini Bins for your next construction project!

Saturday, 2 February 2019

Should otherwise Healthy Marijuana Waste be Destroyed according to Health Canada – a Discussion

Health Canada currently requires marijuana waste be destroyed in its entirely. Pro-marijuana advocates are arguing that this might be a huge missed opportunity, contributing to Canada’s waste problem while ignoring alternative uses of ‘marijuana waste’. Annually, thousands of kilograms of waste is being tossed out from licensed marijuana producers in Canada. The unfortunate truth of the matter is that Health Canada’s policy prevents the possible opportunities that may exist from repurposing this waste product.
As a Toronto waste management company, we believe in minimizing waste at every opportunity and finding ways to repurpose the waste that we make as a region. There are some marijuana-growing businesses that toss as much as half of their grown plants into recycling or composting. There may be opportunities to reuse the stem as fibre, turning it into products like T-shirts, animal feed, and even housing siding, among other possibilities. The stalk, stem, and leaves could be used as construction insulation or even reinforcing cement.

Currently, what’s stopping producers from creating all of these amazing products and reducing their waste output is Health Canada’s tight regulations. As marijuana comes to be legalized, it’s hopeful that some of these regulations may change however nothing has indicated they will. Sadly, we might look back on this period similarly to how we look back to fifty years ago where we threw all of our waste into landfills without ever considering the possibilities.

This is no doubt a debate that Canada is going to have to have in the months to come, determining whether it’s the right move to knowingly increase our waste when there exists the potential to use the parts of the marijuana plant that are not being dedicated already to medicinal or recreational use. The unfortunate complication regarding why Health Canada has ordered marijuana waste to be destroyed has to do primarily with the plant material containing amounts of THC. The leaves, stalks, stems, and everything underneath the bud may have trace amounts of THC. That means having to destroy healthy plant waste, in accordance with the wishes of the current body of legislation.

Even with the limits of the regulations guiding marijuana growing in Canada, numerous companies are engaged in attempting to find ways to use waste products of the plant. There’s research being done on juicing, edibles, and all sorts of potential uses.

The future of Canada’s waste problem is going to be dependent on new, creative reuses and recycling of the products that are currently being tossed out into the garbage. As a society, all forms of waste are going to have to be closely examined for the possibilities of reuse.

As a waste management company in the GTA, there’s nothing more important to us than ensuring waste is being properly disposed of and that any products that can be recycled are recycled. There is something to be learned from other regions where marijuana has been legalized, who are currently struggling with waste problems similar to Canada’s that has yet to set in. No matter where one may figure on the marijuana legalization debate, there needs to be more research conducted into uses of cannabis and the cannabis plant, ensuring that there’s not excessive waste being created that could otherwise be avoided.