Friday, 9 November 2018

Top Myths associated with Junk Removal

There’s a lot about junk removal and recycling that everyday Canadians do not know. At times, we have fielded numerous inquiries about the ethics of recycling, how much our landfills are growing, etc. In many cases, there are some false beliefs about recycling and junk removal that we’d like to address.

To begin, we have heard from some customers that there is not much of a point to recycling because it all ends up in the landfill eventually. The trouble with this is that to maintain a healthy, high-functioning environment, recycling is actually pretty important. Wood, cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, and other recyclables help cut down on the amount of new materials we need to keep the world going. Recycling is on the rise because of its convenience and importance, and that’s not going to change.

Secondly, we hear a lot that because green waste is biodegradable that it is alright to send it to landfills. In response to this, we say that green waste biodegrades at a very, very slow rate and most landfill sites are built as a no-oxygen environment meaning that the micro-organisms that would normally break down green waste are not there to do it. Also, as green waste is not broken down, it leaks into the atmosphere as methane slowly over time. That means it is integral to ensure green waste is sent to the proper location to be sorted. If not, the next best thing is creating a compost for these items in your own backyard.

The third myth of junk removal and recycling is that food waste is not a big deal. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Immense amounts of carbon dioxide are produced from food waste and yet even so, up to 30 percent of the foods in developed countries ends up being thrown out. At the same time, in our own communities and in communities across the world, there are millions of people going hungry from lack of access to quality food. The more that we delve into becoming zero waste, the closer we get to eventually addressing the massive amounts of food waste we don’t really address as a society.

The fourth myth is that junk removal is easier to do without a company. In some cases, absolutely, this is true. In others though, especially when waste removal is more complicated, hiring a junk removal company can help keep things simple. Imagine someone coming to collect and dispose of clutter in the most environmentally responsible way, and you never have to lift a finger throughout this process.

Lastly, the biggest myth we hear about junk removal and recycling is that recycling is more expensive than simply sending stuff to the landfill. To this, we say in the short-term, yes landfills might be cheaper however in the long term, absolutely not. Throughout the last two decades, recycling has become a lot cheaper while landfill space has continued to increase in cost. In terms of the use recycled products receive, there are also significant cost savings there to consider.

‘Junk’ is not a bad thing. As a culture, we should embrace it. These myths are just a start to some of the misconceptions we’ve heard. By hiring a junk removal company, you can repurpose your junk and get the clutter out of your way in no time.

Contact Core Mini Bins for all of your junk removal needs in Toronto and for any inquiries on specific junk items.
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