A good thing to do is to order cabinets, kitchen appliances, faucets and other fixtures before the process of installation starts. You can also set up a smaller kitchen with a mini-fridge, microwave and coffee maker in order to avoid buying food all the time during the renovation process.
Install a drawer below your kitchen sink as opposed to the usual, standard cabinets. That way space will be used more efficiently and will make it lot more accessible.
If you want to save lots of time and money use a Minwax kit for cleaning and reviving the kitchen`s hardwood floors instead of stripping them completely. Not only your floor will look nice and shiny, but you will also avoid painful garbage removal.
You can also install secret drawers below the low cupboards instead of the standard baseboard toe kick.
When it comes to kitchens – you can never have enough electrical outlets. It is very good to have them, but it is great when you do not have to notice them all the time. Install some extra electrical outlets at the bottom of your upper cabinets.
It is advisable to expand the closet for keeping brooms for several inches so you can easily add more shelves. That way you can store small kitchen appliances, cooling racks or baking sheets. You can also add a small light or a lamp that will turn on as soon as you open the door.
Another great option is to add a counter-top button for garbage removal.
If you do not want to constantly add water to the coffee-maker install a hard plumbed coffee-maker. It is similar to the water line that goes to the refrigerator.
Select counters that are a few inches deeper than the standard counters. That way you can keep different kitchen things such as the mixer or toaster without them standing in your way.
In order to prevent construction dust from spreading everywhere in your apartment or house - just hang a damp sheet in your doorway.
Install additional lightning source below your upper cabinets. It will make a big difference in the general feel and ambiance of your kitchen.
These ideas should help you when you think about kitchen makeover. However, kitchen remodeling often can be messy and can leave lots of garbage. That is why you should consider renting Mini Bin for removing the garbage after you are done with your renovation. You would benefit a lot from that, as you will have not to waste time and energy for cleaning yourself and everything can be done relatively