It is easy to reduce your carbon
footprint, without making too many major changes to your daily routine. This
goes beyond recycling, and to investing a bit more thought in to your daily and
weekly routine. As always, Core
Mini Bins is here to remove your waste—and provide you with tips for
reducing your future waste.
Buy In Bulk
Walk through each room in your
home, and consider what items you purchase on a regular basis. Write a list of
all your weekly and monthly purchases, and place them into product categories.
Next, take a look at your local wholesalers to see if it is financially
advantageous to buy in bulk. In most cases you can save quite a bit of money
per pound/item when buying in bulk, however you must keep expiration dates and
bulk storage in mind.
Shop Locally
Shopping locally goes beyond
supporting local retailers, but to supporting locally made products that do not
require much in terms of transportation. This includes buying from local
artisans, farmers, artists, and small businesses.
Reduce Your Online Orders
Online shopping allows you access
to a larger range or products and services, and often a more competitive price
point. However, online shopping is not good for your carbon footprint. While
giving up online shopping is not necessary, reconsider your frequency, and
really stock up on items when you do shop online.
Another way to reduce your carbon
footprint is to recycle and properly dispose of your waste. At Core
Mini Bins we provide bin rental services for everything from general
household waste—to brick, gravel, soil, asphalt, remodeling waste, and more!
Call us today to at 905-417-0824
to schedule your bin rental services, trash disposal, excavation, or
demolition. All trash is sent to the appropriate sorting facility once removed,
and we provide bins as small as 4 yards, and as large as 40 yards.